Airlines are making a food comeback in 2018. If you are old enough, it is a come-back that is. If you don’t remember the days of free food, luggage and leg-room your air travel expectations are likely low so enjoy the “new” perks! Outside major International travel your choices of free food in no particular order are:
Hawaiian Airlines
“Island-inspired” meals, snacks and beverages are free on North America, South Pacific, and Asia routes. You’ll also enjoy a wide array of complimentary drinks to make your flight as enjoyable as possible.

American Airlines
Aside from Biscoff cookies, pretzels and free non-boozy drinks for flights over 250 miles you don’t get too much. Lucky and traveling to/from Dallas / Fort Worth to any Hawaiian cities? Good news, you get complementary meals, beer and wine. Also LAX-JFK and SFO-JFK flights offer free meals. Otherwise that is saved for International flights.
International food is available for free but that’s your basic perk. You only get a free snack for US, Mexico and Central America travel, otherwise you have to fork up to buy a meal.
Like Coca-Cola products? Too bad if you are traveling under 350 miles on Delta! Enjoy complimentary snacks and beverages over 250 miles.

Free luggage and free snacks! Offers free peanuts and pretzels as well as the standard beverage service. Ask your neighbor for a complimentary drink voucher, you just never know who has a spare to share.
Free beverage (Dunkin fans they serve Dunkin Donuts coffee!) and snack including some goodies like Cheez-It’s, Pretzels, Popcorn Chips, Belgian Boys Cookies, TERRA potato chips.
Alaska Air
Limited “free” choices on this airlines. Aside from free beverages, only guests seated in Premium Class will receive one complimentary snacks such as a KIND bar, trail mix, barkTHINS, or cheddar crackers depending on the time of day.